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Commentaire de l'actualité (gaie ou non!) sur terre, au ciel, à gauche, à droite, de Genève, de Londres ou d'ailleurs
News and views (gay or not!) on earth, in heaven, left or right, from Geneva, London or elsewhere

Dropping the T: time to distinguish between sexual orientation and gender [click]

As reported by The Times, London:

For several years now a schism has been building within the LGBT community between Stonewall [the umbrella organisation in the UK] and those alarmed by its trajectory. This reached its logical end on Tuesday night with the birth of a breakaway group, provisionally titled the LGB Alliance [on Twitter: @AllianceLGB].

Conway Hall in Holborn was full of distinguished lesbians and gay men: local government officers, a consultant psychiatrist, psychotherapists, academics, doctors, a BBC producer, film-makers. All once stood behind Stonewall. Indeed the broadcaster Simon Fanshawe was a founder member and the former American Express vice-president Kate Harris a major fundraiser.

Yet they believe that since 2015, when the charity incorporated trans rights into its remit, Stonewall has ceased to represent them. They say it endorses sexist stereotypes promoting the notion that a “butch” girl or a “feminine” boy is in the wrong body and needs treatment when most gender non-conforming children turn out, like them, to be gay.

Their first demand is that the Equality and Human Rights Commission investigates the advice Stonewall (which receives an annual £600,000 in government grants) gives to public bodies from councils to police. They say it misrepresents the Equality Act by replacing the legally protected characteristic biological “sex” with “gender identity”. From this alleged deceit has come gender-neutral school toilets, police recording male-bodied rapists as “female” or the NHS admitting self-identified trans women onto female wards. The LGB Alliance calls this “Stonewall Law” and plans to fight it.


Must see in Prague [click]

After a very successful architectural tour in Pilsen and Prague around modern architecture and design organised by the C20 Society, we stayed a few more days in Prague.

The Museum of Communism is definitely worth a 2-hour visit, intertwining cleverly a thorough presentation of what communism really means and the history of the country since the First Republic in 1918 to the Velvet Revolution and the restauration of democracy and market economy.

As a scathing complement, I would highly recommend the permanent exhibition in the Jerusalem Synagogue, The Jewish Community of Prague from 1945 to the Present Day.


Sur l’alpage, avec des bêtes farouches et des hommes libres [click]

Un autre fabuleux reportage en immersion feuilletonné par heidi.news, le nouveau média suisse de langue française à portée universelle. Son réd-en-chef: Serge Michel, ancien du Monde Afrique (et du Monde tout court).
#potpourri #webpublishing

Jonian-Ilias Kadesha, violin, accompanied by Jean-Sélim Abelmoula, piano [click]

London, Elgar Room in the Royal Albert Hall – lunchtime recital

Bach – Chaconne from the Partita No.2 in D minor for solo violin, BWV.1004
Beethoven – Violin Sonata No.8 in G for violin and piano, Op.30 No.3
Ravel – Tzigane (rhapsodie de concert, for violin & piano)


Visite impromptue à heidi.news

Le premier média suisse francophone de la nouvelle génération, né sur le Net et jouant sur toute la gamme de la newsletter, du web et du papier, du court et du long, du factuel et du subjectif, vient de s’installer dans un ancien atelier d’imprimerie… Il démarre en mars. Sans attendre l’invitation promise aux abonnés de la première heure par le réd en chef, Serge Michel, je suis passé flairer l’air du bureau le 7 février.

Et c’est probablement mon dernier post publié d’abord sur Google+ avant d’être intégré sur mon propre site, swissroll.info (où tout continue, mais comme beaucoup je regrette la décision de Google)…

Marvelous evening!

The way forward with the Withdrawal Agreement, Hard Brexit or Remaining in the EU.

With Parliament and both main parties in meltdown, deferring the question to the people, but in a fair and straightforward way, seems the reasonable thing to do.

How to formulate the questions
Updated 16.11.2018
Big demonstration on Saturday calling for a second referendum
1 on the result of the negociation with the EU, including the possibility of staying a member of the EU.

  1. People’s Vote is a unfortunate moniker, as if the first referendum wasn’t one. []

Entre l’étatisme à la française et l’approche commerciale à l’anglaise, il y a la voie suisse de l’économie collaborative d’intérêt public.

Une nouvelle illustration d’un phénomène que j’avais déjà relevé à propos de l’autopartage (carsharing): https://swissroll.info/blog/droit-politique/1719/

Brexit: what a second referendum could look like

How to formulate the questions Updated 16.11.2018 Big demonstration on Saturday calling for  a second referendum1 on the result of the negociation with the EU, including the possibility of staying a member of the EU. But how could this happen? In Britain, a referendum can only be called by an act of Parliament2. So to …

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