Après les élections irakiennes
Je manque de temps pour revenir comme il le conviendrait sur ce grand succès pour la démocratie et pour l’Irak (voir cette revue chez Norman Geras). A savourer quand même, chez Ludovic Monnerat, l’analyse des textes actuels et passés de Bernard Guetta dans ses chroniques du Temps.
Et je dois à nouveau vous inviter à lire / voir et écouter un discours de Bush, cette fois une adresse télévisée depuis le bureau ovale. Certains commentaires de la blogosphère anglo-saxonne, notamment Instapundit et GayPatriot, sont intéressants. Le site du Monde reproduit à peine quelques phrases en français, hélas (signalez-moi si vous trouvez une version intégrale ailleurs), et je voudrais pour ma part souligner les deux passages suivants:
If you think the terrorists would become peaceful if only America would stop provoking them, then it might make sense to leave them alone.
This is not the threat I see. I see a global terrorist movement that exploits Islam in the service of radical political aims — a vision in which books are burned, and women are oppressed, and all dissent is crushed. Terrorist operatives conduct their campaign of murder with a set of declared and specific goals — to de-moralize free nations, to drive us out of the Middle East, to spread an empire of fear across that region, and to wage a perpetual war against America and our friends. These terrorists view the world as a giant battlefield — and they seek to attack us wherever they can. This has attracted al Qaeda to Iraq, where they are attempting to frighten and intimidate America into a policy of retreat.
The terrorists do not merely object to American actions in Iraq and elsewhere, they object to our deepest values and our way of life. And if we were not fighting them in Iraq, in Afghanistan, in Southeast Asia, and in other places, the terrorists would not be peaceful citizens, they would be on the offense, and headed our way.
September the 11th, 2001 required us to take every emerging threat to our country seriously, and it shattered the illusion that terrorists attack us only after we provoke them. On that day, we were not in Iraq, we were not in Afghanistan, but the terrorists attacked us anyway — and killed nearly 3,000 men, women, and children in our own country. My conviction comes down to this: We do not create terrorism by fighting the terrorists. We invite terrorism by ignoring them. And we will defeat the terrorists by capturing and killing them abroad, removing their safe havens, and strengthening new allies like Iraq and Afghanistan in the fight we share.
The work in Iraq has been especially difficult — more difficult than we expected. Reconstruction efforts and the training of Iraqi security forces started more slowly than we hoped. We continue to see violence and suffering, caused by an enemy that is determined and brutal, unconstrained by conscience or the rules of war.
Some look at the challenges in Iraq and conclude that the war is lost, and not worth another dime or another day. I don’t believe that. Our military commanders do not believe that. Our troops in the field, who bear the burden and make the sacrifice, do not believe that America has lost. And not even the terrorists believe it. We know from their own communications that they feel a tightening noose, and fear the rise of a democratic Iraq.
The terrorists will continue to have the coward’s power to plant roadside bombs and recruit suicide bombers. And you will continue to see the grim results on the evening news. This proves that the war is difficult — it doesn’t mean that we are losing. Behind the images of chaos that terrorists create for the cameras, we are making steady gains with a clear objective in view.
America, our coalition, and Iraqi leaders are working toward the same goal — a democratic Iraq that can defend itself, that will never again be a safe haven for terrorists, and that will serve as a model of freedom for the Middle East.
In all three aspects of our strategy — security, democracy, and reconstruction — we have learned from our experiences, and fixed what has not worked. We will continue to listen to honest criticism, and make every change that will help us complete the mission. Yet there is a difference between honest critics who recognize what is wrong, and defeatists who refuse to see that anything is right.
Defeatism may have its partisan uses, but it is not justified by the facts. For every scene of destruction in Iraq, there are more scenes of rebuilding and hope. For every life lost, there are countless more lives reclaimed. And for every terrorist working to stop freedom in Iraq, there are many more Iraqis and Americans working to defeat them. My fellow citizens: Not only can we win the war in Iraq, we are winning the war in Iraq.
It is also important for every American to understand the consequences of pulling out of Iraq before our work is done. We would abandon our Iraqi friends and signal to the world that America cannot be trusted to keep its word. We would undermine the morale of our troops by betraying the cause for which they have sacrificed. We would cause the tyrants in the Middle East to laugh at our failed resolve, and tighten their repressive grip. We would hand Iraq over to enemies who have pledged to attack us and the global terrorist movement would be emboldened and more dangerous than ever before. To retreat before victory would be an act of recklessness and dishonor, and I will not allow it.
Tiens, c’est vrai ça, ce serait intéressant de faire un peu de bushisme, pour agacer le lecteur :-)) Je vais peut-être m’y mettre, moi…
àƒÂ”, Georges…
Soyons précis, soyons concis : les Etats-Unis sont une Nation de crétins dirigé par un débile, heureusement sauvée par Sean Penn, Susan Sarandon et Robet Redford. Georges W. Bush est un primate, dûment caricat…
Je suis toujours aussi amusé de voir que G.W. Bush parle depuis quelque temps de victoire prochaine en Irak, alors qu’il y a 2 ans, perché sur l’USS Cole, le président déclarait que la guerre était gagnée. C’est peut-être cela qui agace tant, une propagande – après tout pas si nouvelle, mais – peu crédible et mal organisée.
Cela dit, je suis las de toutes ces empoignades autour de l’intelligence ou non du président étasunien, de ce qu’il a pensé, de ce qu’il a en tête, ou de ses valeurs. Car le discours que tu reproduis est une énième profession de foi du bonhomme, qui continue à ne rien proposer de concret, mais à expliquer que beaucoup d’Etasuniens sont morts.
Parce que le manque de préparation sur « l’après opération militaire » en Irak était une chose; de nombreuses incertitudes englobent « l’après élections », et j’attends toujours de lire un plan concret sur le sujet.
J’aimerais bien voir les Européens un peu plus actifs, mais ils sont pris eux-mêmes dans… la démocratisation de l’UE :/
Quel con… l’USS Cole… c’était bien sûr l’Abraham Lincoln !