A Madrid
Depuis vendredi, et jusqu’à lundi, nous sommes à Madrid: un week-end d’été fin avril. Mais pas moyen d’échapper au débat contemporain et à la prédominance médiatique du courant défaitiste. Notre guide, « Time Out Madrid », conclut son introduction ainsi:
This guide has sometimes bemoaned Madrid’s loss of innocence. But it is, after all, the capital of a country that, after a brief and disastrous flirtation with Atlanticism, has again committed itself to a key role in the European Union, and at a critical time. It’s a more expensive, populous, anonymous and competitive place that it was a decade ago and will obviously become more so. The events of March 2004 merked a watershed, arguably sparking off an awareness of Madrid’s place in the wider world. Some might say madrileà±os are finally growing up.