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Le sort des blogueurs iraniens

Jeff Jarvis répercute un billet (en persan, mais traduit sur un blog collectif d’étudiants iraniens en Grande-Bretagne) de Mohammad Ali Abtahi, un réformateur iranien blogueur proche du président Katami. Il est aujourd’hui membre d’un organe de contrôle de la Constitution et c’est à  ce titre qu’il a participé à  une rencontre avec certains des blogueurs récemment emprisonnés: ils ont été passé à  tabac, sommés de confesser des turpitudes sexuelles (ou d’en inventer pour compromettre des réformateurs), d’autres ont cédé aux pressions et signés de faux aveux liant leur blog à  la CIA…

4 commentaires

  1. Persian Students in the UK
    30 décembre 2004

    More on the tortured bloggers

    Firstly I would like to thank all the bloggers around the world who helped spread the news of my previous post. The number of trackback links and comments clearly shows that the world is not indifferent to what’s happening in…

  2. Shaaheen
    31 décembre 2004

    I honestly think the Iranian government has mastered the technique of bluffing based on some imaginary nuclear weapon rumour. While every measure must be taken to assure people of Iran and the world that oil money is not being spent on development of nuclear WMD, the world must also notice that the Iranian gov could be exaggerating by deliberately giving away false information. In this way they will keep the mind of the world busy on the nuclear threat, and this gives them a lot of free time to do whatever they want, oppress intellectual movements, shut down all reformist movements, jail every journalist and recently bloggers. And because everyone is just worried about nukes, the main thing which is ‘reform’ and consequently ‘freedom’ will be lost.

    A persian provern says « they offered death so you would be happy with a fever ». Our problem is the fever now, we need remedies i.e. international pressure for changes.

  3. Abtahi’s blog was hacked for revealing torture details

    The website of Iran’s ex Vice President (currently advisor to the President and a government committee member) is up and running again on http://www.webneveshteha.com after it was hacked last week for the second time. He says he has lost a…

  4. 3 janvier 2005

    Iran ex vice president says his weblog was hacked for revealing torture details.

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