Charité chrétienne ou non.
Charité chrétienne ou non.
Voici un article où l’auteure évoque les hate mail qu’elle reçoit des chrétiens et dont je retiens:
Interestingly, the only other people I have gotten hate mail from are atheists. Atheist hate mail is usually of a more intellectual persuasion, and they have never been violent, but they are extremely contemptuous, insulting, and condescending. I once wrote about a barrage of hate mail I got from atheists and received dozens of apologies from other atheists. I have never gotten any personal hate mail from a Jew, a Muslim, a Hindu, a Buddhist, a pagan, an agnostic, or a humanist.
Cet article me permet de rebondir sur une chronique qui titre: The sad business of trying to disprove God
When it Comes to Hateful Internet Speech, Christians Are the Worst – OnFaith