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Commentaire de l'actualité (gaie ou non!) sur terre, au ciel, à gauche, à droite, de Genève, de Londres ou d'ailleurs
News and views (gay or not!) on earth, in heaven, left or right, from Geneva, London or elsewhere

Charité chrétienne ou non.

Charité chrétienne ou non.

Voici un article où l’auteure évoque les hate mail qu’elle reçoit des chrétiens et dont je retiens:

Interestingly, the only other people I have gotten hate mail from are atheists. Atheist hate mail is usually of a more intellectual persuasion, and they have never been violent, but they are extremely contemptuous, insulting, and condescending. I once wrote about a barrage of hate mail I got from atheists and received dozens of apologies from other atheists. I have never gotten any personal hate mail from a Jew, a Muslim, a Hindu, a Buddhist, a pagan, an agnostic, or a humanist.

Cet article me permet de rebondir sur une chronique qui titre: The sad business of trying to disprove God http://goo.gl/QVCu6R

When it Comes to Hateful Internet Speech, Christians Are the Worst – OnFaith

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