Are tuition fees in England driving students into prostitution? A comment I left on The Times website…
A comment I left on The Times website:
Interesting article – except that it perpetuates the slander that tuition fees are a "debt" burdening students.
It's not: it's a pay-only-if-and-as-you-earn-enough sophisticated tax-and-benefit scheme. Nothing like paying off the credit card or buying a car! It's completely painless, and this way taxpayers' money (most of them earning less than people with a University degree will) is only used for students who really need it, or other more worthwhile policies. Far to be a master of dark arts, Alastair Campbell @campbellclaret failed, at the time it was introduced, in his basic task of making people understand this 😉
So no hand wringing about Government driving students into prostitution, please! It's really to pay for personal costs, like everybody has to, that the student in this story chooses sugar daddies rather than Tesco or a pub to earn money.